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olive tree encased in glass box
  • Client C'est Ici
  • Category F&B
  • Location Sharjah, United Arab Emirates

The rich history of coffee, manifested in design.

According to interior design company C’est Ici, the brief for this project was to create a café with an ambiance “as warm, grounded, earthy, and balanced as the perfect cup of coffee.” This vision was masterfully brought to life through a minimalist aesthetic that embraces neutral, earthy tones and organic materials.

The choice of the olive tree for this space was driven by its rich symbolism and natural elegance. Known for representing peace and timeless wisdom, the olive tree beautifully complements the calming and grounded atmosphere C’est Ici sought to achieve. Its presence deepens the café’s connection to the earth, imbuing the space with a profound sense of history and enriching the overall experience with its organic beauty.

olive tree encased in a glass box

More than just a manufacturer, we provide expert design guidance on enhancing spaces with artificial vegetation. For this project, we recommended a natural, gnarled olive trunk to reinforce the design narrative. Its slender, aged form seamlessly complemented the minimalist interior while infusing the space with a unique sense of history and character—qualities a younger tree simply couldn’t offer. Positioned in the centre of the café, the tree is visible from all angles, so we took extra care to ensure it looked perfect from every perspective. As we attached additional branches, we carefully crafted an irregular form, capturing the organic, untamed beauty of olive trees in nature.

Photography by Natalee Cocks

Project stats

  • Height of the tree 2.8m
  • Width of the canopy 2.0m
  • Hours spent handcrafting 20

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